Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Weekly Update: 05/01/2013

2471 Upcoming Events:

Sunday, May 5th - Senior Reception
Sunday, May 5th will be a Sunday dedicated to our graduating Seniors.  We will be honoring five seniors this year.  Please make plans to be here on this day as we look back, and look ahead at their future plans.  I look forward to seeing everyone here to support Hailey Foster, Kristen Foster, Rickey Hanson, Riley Hooten and Tanner Underwood.

Rodeo Round-up…
Saturday, June 8th, EVERYONE (especially our families) are invited to the Mesquite Rodeo for family fun!  The cost is $12 per person and our seats will be in the reserved section.  You will need to sign up by May 26 if you plan on going.  Money is due by June 2nd.  You can sign up at the children’s check in, foyer or the youth & family board.  If you have any questions, you can talk to DeAnn Greenlee or Rick Williams.
Upcoming Senior Dates…
Mark your calendars!

Sunday, May 19th - Baccalaureate Service for Waxahachie High School

Saturday, May 25th - Life School Graduation (Riley Hooten)

Friday, June 7th - Waxahachie High School Graduation (Hailey Foster, Kristen Foster, Rickey Hanson, Tanner Underwood)

Inner Circle Christian Camp
The time is almost upon us to turn in our camp applications.  We have had a slow start this year.  Let’s get those applications filled out and turned in.  Camp applications are due back to me by May 12th.  Cost is $170 this year. There are scholarships available for those that might need one.  You can speak to Randall Dyess or Rick Williams for more information.

Monday, April 22, 2013

Weekly Update: 04/24/2013

2471 Upcoming Events:

Sunday, April 28th - Youth Devo
We will be going to the home of Bob and Sandra Andrews this evening for our devotional together.  There will be transportation to and from the Andrews’ home.  Pick up time will be at 9:00 p.m. here at the building. 

Sunday, May 5th - Senior Reception
Sunday, May 5th will be a Sunday dedicated to our graduating Seniors.  We will be honoring five seniors this year.  Please make plans to be here on this day as we look back, and look ahead at their future plans.  I look forward to seeing everyone here to support Hailey Foster, Kristen Foster, Rickey Hanson, Riley Hooten and Tanner Underwood.

Special Thank You…
Thank you to all who donated for the Jr./Sr. Prom alternative trip.  This congregation has always stepped up when asked and this time was no different.
Mark Your Calendars…
We have come to that time of year again where we end another school year.  With that time, we also begin looking ahead to graduations.  We have five Graduates this year, and the following dates I give to you so that you might be able to make arrangements to come out and support these kids.

Sunday, May 19th - Baccalaureate Service for Waxahachie High School

Saturday, May 25th - Life School Graduation (Riley Hooten)

Friday, June 7th - Waxahachie High School Graduation (Hailey Foster, Kristen Foster, Rickey Hanson, Tanner Underwood)

Just a Reminder…
Camp applications are due back to me by May 12th.  Cost is $170 this year.

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Weekly Update: 04/17/2013

2471 Upcoming Events:

Sunday, April 28th - Youth Devo
We will be going to the home of Bob and Sandra Andrews this month for our devotional together.  There will be transportation to and from the Andrews’ home.  Pick up time will be at 9:00 p.m. here at the building. 

Sunday, May 5th - Senior Reception
Sunday, May 5th will be a Sunday dedicated to our graduating Seniors.  We will be honoring five seniors this year.  Make plans to be here on this day as we look back, and look ahead at their future plans.
Attention Juniors and Seniors…
If you signed up to go on the Prom alternative trip, I need to meet with you and a parent following services on Sunday morning.  The meeting should last no longer than 5-10 minutes.  Thank you very much!

Someone has composed the following “Top Ten” list of signs you may not be reading your Bible enough:
10)    The preacher announces the sermon is from Galatians...and you check the table of contents.
9)    You think Abraham, Isaac, & Jacob may have a few hit songs in the 60’s.
8)   You open to the Gospel of Luke and a WWII savings bond falls out.
7)   Your favorite Old Testament patriarch is Hercules.
6)   Your favorite Bible verse is “Cleanliness is next to godliness.”
5)  You become frustrated because Charlton Heston isn’t listed in either the concordance or the table of contents.
4)  Catching the kids reading the Song of Solomon, you demand: “Who gave you this stuff?”
3) You think the Minor Prophets worked in the quarries.
2) You keep falling for it every time when the preacher tells you to turn to First Condominiums.

And the number one sign you may not be reading your Bible enough:

1) The kids keep asking too many questions about your usual bedtime story: “Jonah the Shepherd Boy and His Ark of Many Colors.”
Have a Great Week!!

Monday, April 8, 2013

Weekly Update: 04/10/2013

2471 Upcoming Events:

Sunday, April 14th - TPM
Sunday night following services we will meet in the High School classroom for a time of prayer together.  Following that time, we will be going to Dairy Queen for supper.  You will need money for your meal.

Sunday, April 28th - Youth Devo
We will be going to the home of Bob and Sandra Andrews this month for our devotional together.  There will be transportation to and from the Andrews’ home.  Pick up time will be at 9:00 p.m. here at the building. 

Sunday, May 5th - Senior Reception
Sunday, May 5th will be a Sunday dedicated to our graduating Seniors.  We will be honoring five seniors this year.  Make plans to be here on this day as we look back, and look ahead at their future plans.
LTC 2013 Wrap-up…
We had a wonderful year this year.  Thank you to all the coaches, assistants, parents, grand-parents and anyone else who had a hand in LTC this year.  The theme for next year is “Called Out”.  We will be looking at the life of Moses.  Thanks again for a wonderful year, and I look forward to a great 2014!

If you still have not paid for your hotel room, or registration, please do so A.S.A.P.  If you are not sure if you have or not, you can talk with me and we will check.  Thank you!!

Attention Juniors and Seniors…
There is a prom alternative Junior/Senior trip in the works for the weekend of April  26-28.  You will need to let me know if you plan on going no later than Sunday, April 14th.  The cost for the trip is $200 per person. 
Have a Great Week!!

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Weekly Update: 04/03/2013

2471 Upcoming Events:

Sunday, April 7th - LTC Awards Banquet
Look below for more information regarding this event.

Sunday, April 14th - TPM
Sunday night following services we will meet in the High School classroom for a time of prayer together.  Following that time, we will be going to Dairy Queen for supper.  You will need money for your meal.

Attention Juniors and Seniors…
There is a prom alternative Junior/Senior trip in the works for the weekend of April  26-28.  You will need to let me know if you plan on going no later than Sunday, April 14th.  The cost for the trip is $200 per person. 

Mark your Calendars...
Sunday, May 5th is Senior Sunday!!
LTC Awards Banquet...
Sunday night, April 7th, following services the LTC participants will be receiving recognition and awards for their work and preparation.  We will be meeting in the fellowship room.  Everyone is invited to stay and enjoy this time together.

The meat for brisket sandwiches will be provided.  Please check page two of this week's bulletin for items to bring to the banquet.

Look forward to seeing everyone here on Sunday night!!

LTC Hotel Rooms & Registration...
If you have not paid for your hotel room yet, the cost was $77.  Registration for LTC was $30 per student.  Make your checks payable to Brown Street church of Christ.  You can give your check/cash to me, or any of our secretaries.