Thursday, September 29, 2011

Weekly Update: 9/28/2011

Something To Think About...

Joe, the Governor’s most trusted assistant, died in his sleep one night. The Governor had depended on Joe for advice on every subject, from bills to wardrobe decisions. In addition, Joe had been his closest friend.

So, it was understandable that the Governor didn’t take kindly to the ambitious office seekers who wanted Joe’s job. “They don’t even have the decency to wait until the man is buried,” the Governor muttered.

At the funeral, one eager man made his way to the Governor’s side. “Governor,” the man said, “is there a chance that I could take Joe’s place?”

“Certainly,” the governor replied. “But you’d better hurry. I think the undertaker is almost finished.”

I’m sure we have all said at one time or another, “I would like to take his/her place.” But I dare say that you have never made that statement of someone who had died, or was about to die. Why would anyone want to trade places with someone like that? It is for that reason that God’s love for us is so difficult to comprehend, for that is exactly what Jesus did for us.
“He was pierced for our transgressions, he was crushed for our iniquities; the punishment that brought us peace was upon him, and by his wounds we are healed. We all, like sheep, have gone astray, each of us has turned to his own way; and the Lord has laid on him the iniquity of us all. (Isaiah 53:5-6)

May our lives be forever lived in gratitude for the one who “took our place”.

Upcoming Events:

Sunday, October 9th:
Youth Devo
Sunday evening following services we will meet at the home of Beau & Janet Henry for our devotional time together. Tanner Morehead will be delivering the devotional thought for the evening. I look forward to seeing everyone there. Invite a friend!

At A Glance...

Thursday, October 13th:
Sunday, October 16th: Youth Event
Sunday, October 23rd: Family Devo @ the Pond

Special Thank You!
Kara and I would like to thank everyone for the welcome we received this past Sunday night. You have welcomed us into your family with open arms. We look forward to serving this congregation as we move forward from this year on.

Friday, September 23, 2011

Weekly Update: 9/21/2011

Something To Think About...

A teenage girl got lost in her car in a snowstorm. She remembered what her dad had once told her: “If you ever get stuck in a snowstorm, wait for a snowplow and follow it.” Pretty soon a snowplow came by, and she started to follow it. She followed the plow for about forty-five minutes. Finally the driver of the truck got out and asked her what she was doing. She explained that her dad had told her if she ever got stuck in the snow, to follow a plow.

The driver nodded and said, “Well, I’m done with the Wal-mart parking lot, now you can follow me over to K-mart.”

There’s nothing wrong with following others as long as we know that they are headed in the right direction. Even the apostle Paul was careful to limit those who sought to follow him. “Be imitators of me, as I am of Christ.”(1Corinthians11:1,ESV)

Following a snowplow blindly may have minor consequences, but following someone blindly in the realm of religion can have serious (and eternal consequences. Be careful who you follow!

Upcoming Events:

Sunday, September 25th: Meet & Greet!

After the evening service, there will be a “Meet and Greet” in the fellowship hall to welcome the Williams family to Brown Street. This is for everyone, not just the youth. After the Meet and Greet, there will be pizza and singing for the youth group.

Sunday, October 9th: Youth Devo

Sunday evening following services we will meet at the home of Beau & Janet Henry for our devotional time together. Tanner Morehead will be delivering the devotional thought for the evening. I look forward to seeing everyone there. Invite a friend!

At A Glance...

October 13th: MPR
October 16th: Youth Event - Ennis Bowl
October 23rd: Family Devo @ the Pond
October 29th: Trunk or Treat

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Weekly Update: 9/14/2011

KFC Service Project: This past Sunday, our Kids for Christ participated in assembling 13 care packages to send to Brown Street military personnel. Thanks for your help with this project in recognizing our military.

KFC / Youth Car Wash: On Saturday, September 17th, a car wash will be held honoring our Golden Agers from 10:00 AM -2:00 PM at the church building. There is no charge to the Golden Agers.

Youth Devo: Sunday, September 18th, a youth devo will be hosted at the Martin’s home in Palmer. Girls bring desserts and boys bring chips. We will be back at the church building at 8:45 PM.

Multi-Purpose Room: MPR will open on Thursday, September 22nd from 6 -8:30 PM. Bring your dinner and a friend. Justin O’Rear will be organizing this event.

Youth Minister and Family Welcome: Sunday, September 25th, after the evening services, come by the fellowship hall to meet our new youth minister, Rick Williams and his family.

Final Thought: Decision-making
In recent years, the word “values” has come into popularity in society. Much acclaim is made regarding our society being value-centered. In reality, values are Biblical principles. God’s word has the answers for today’s society.

The Bible provides direction and guidance for every choice we make in life. God’s word is “a lamp unto our feet and a light unto our paths.” (Psalm 119:105)

Whether we have immediate decisions or long-term planning, God’s word will guide us. May you influence your family to make Christ-honoring and Bible-based decisions!

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Weekly Update: 9/7/2011

Back to School Bash: BTSB was a great success. We had over 40 teens and parents attend. They played laser tag, climbed the rock wall and drove the go-karts. Reagan Rushing lead our devotional singing and Chase Pope gave our devotional talk.

Upcoming Events:

On Saturday, September 17th, a youth / KFC car wash will be held for our Golden Agers at the building from 10 AM -2 PM.

On Sunday, September 18th, a youth devo will be hosted by the Martin family.

On Sunday, September 25th, we will welcome our youth minister, Rick Williams and his family after the evening service. Everyone is invited to stop by and say hi.

Final Thought: Distinction

-Why be different? God commands it, holiness requires it and Biblical examples confirm it.

-When to be different? Deuteronomy 6 tells us to teach our children to glorify God when we lie down, rise up, stay home or go out into the way.

-How to be different? Decide to follow Jesus by developing the mind of Christ (Phil 2:5) Determine not to conform to the world’s pressure (Romans 12: 1,2).

-What causes the difference? Living a holy lifestyle is not difficult when one is motivated by their love for the Lord. Paul’s admonition was to walk to please God (1 Thess. 4:1).

-Jesus reminds us that we are to shine our lights in the world (Matthew 5: 13-16). Only light is distinct from darkness. Does God see our distinction?