Monday, December 17, 2012

Weekly Update: 12/19/2012

2471 Upcoming Events:

Winter Retreat 2013
January 4-6 will be the dates for our Winter Retreat.  The theme this year is “Undone”.  We will be going to Texoma Youth Camp outside of Pottsboro, Texas.   If you would like to go, please sign up on the Youth & Family board.  The cost for the retreat is $25.  We to plan to meet at the building at 4:30, and we will pull out soon after.  You will need money for supper that Friday night.  We will plan to be back in Waxahachie mid-afternoon on Sunday.

Mark Your Calendar…
February 15-17 - T3 in Lewisville
Attention all LTC participants!  Practice will begin for song leading, signing, scripture reading, and speech on Wednesday, January 9th.  All other events will begin Sunday, January 13th.  Watch the bulletin for the weekly practice schedule!

Something to Think About . . .  
The story is told of an old lady who had moved to the United States from Europe when she was a child, but now she wanted to officially become a citizen of this country.  After months of going through all the necessary red tape, she was finally ready to take the required oath.
“Raise your right hand, please.”
She raised her right hand.
“Do you swear to defend the Constitution of the United States against all it’s enemies, domestic or foreign?” was the first question.
The little old ladies face paled and her voice trembled as she asked in a small voice, “Uhhh….all by myself?”
I know the feeling.  When I read what the apostle Paul had to say about the great spiritual battle going on, I tremble a bit.  Paul said, “For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places.” (Eph. 6:12).
The thoughts of waging such a battle alone is enough to cause even the most stout-hearted to tremble.  But we don’t go into battle alone!  We go forth as a part of the army of God, led by the Son of God in all his glory, and side by side with every brother and sister in Christ on the face of this earth.  The battle is still a difficult one.  There will be many casualties along the way.  But, thank God, we do not fight it alone!


Monday, December 10, 2012

Weekly Update: 12/12/2012

2471 Upcoming Events:

Saturday, December 15th - 2471 Progressive Dinner/Christmas Party
Attention 6-12th graders.!!  Mark your calendars now for Saturday, December 15th.  We will be having our progressive dinner and Christmas party.  We will be making our first stop at the Morehead’s house, then on to the Walden’s and we will finish up at the Martin’s house. We will meet at the building at 4:30 p.m. and I will plan to have us back here to the building by 9:00 p.m.  Keep in mind though that plans can change for the arrival time back here to the building.  Each child will need to bring a $5 non-gender gift for the gift exchange.  Yes, you can invite friends to be apart of this fun time together. I look forward to seeing everyone!! 

Winter Retreat 2013
January 4-6 will be the dates for our Winter Retreat.  We will be going to Texoma.  Sign-up on the bulletin board!  I will be giving more details in the near future so stay tuned!
KFC Korner…

KFC Ice Skating Event
Friday, December 14th the KFC group will meet at the ice skating rink in Waxahachie from 7:00 - 8:30 pm.  There is a $5 charge for skate rental.  If you have any questions, you can contact Ronnie or Sheila Rushing.
Attention all LTC coaches…
...or those interested in helping out as coaches or assistants for LTC 2013, we will be having a meeting on Sunday afternoon, December 16th,  at 4:00 pm in the fellowship room.  Last year was a great success from the kids stand point as well as the coaches stand point.  I am excited about the sign up sheets this year.  The kids have really turned out for LTC 2013.  Please make plans in your busy schedules to be here for the meeting.

For Laughs...
In Sunday School, they were teaching how God created everything, including human beings. Little Johnny seemed especially intent when they told him how Eve was created out of one of Adam's ribs. Later in the week, his mother noticed him lying down as though he were ill, and said, 'Johnny what is the matter?' Little Johnny responded, 'I have a pain in my side. I think I'm going to have a wife.'


Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Weekly Update: 12/05/2012

2471 Upcoming Events:

Sunday, December 9th - TPM
Following services, we will be meeting in the High school classroom for a time of prayer together.  Bring money for supper afterwards.

Saturday, December 15th - 2471 Progressive Dinner/Christmas Party
Attention 6-12th graders.!!  Mark your calendars now for Saturday, December 15th.  We will be having our progressive dinner and Christmas party.  Each child will need to bring a $5 non-gender gift for the gift exchange.  Yes, you can invite friends to be apart of this fun time together.  Keep watching the bulletin for more details!!

Volunteers Needed…
We need help watching little ones while the young adult Christmas party is happening.  Please mark your calendars for Saturday, December 8th.  If you have any questions, you can talk to me!

Look Ahead...
January 4-6 will be the dates for our Winter Retreat.  We will be going to Texoma.  Sign-up on the bulletin board!

KFC Korner…
Here comes Santa Claus,
Here comes Santa Claus,

That’s right, it is time for Breakfast with Santa again.   Mark your calendars for Saturday, December 8th.  The festivities will begin at 9:00 am and will conclude at 11:00 am.  This is a come and go event and a light breakfast will be served. 

Keep watching the bulletin for more details.  If you have any questions, you can contact Holly Reagan at 214-673-9132.

KFC Ice Skating Event
Friday, December 14th the KFC group will meet at the ice skating rink in Waxahachie from 7:00 - 8:30 pm.  There is a $5 charge for skate rental.  If you have any questions, you can contact Ronnie or Sheila Rushing.

Attention all LTC coaches…
...or those interested in helping out as coaches or assistants for LTC 2013.  We will be having a meeting on Sunday afternoon at 4:00 pm in the fellowship room. 


Monday, November 26, 2012

Weekly Update: 11/28/2012

2471 Upcoming Events:

Saturday, December 1st - Youth Devo
We will be going out to the home of Tommy and Sharon Medford.  We will meet at the building at 5:30 p.m.  We will plan to be back at the building around 8:00 p.m.  Look forward to having a large group go!

Sunday, December 9th - TPM
Following services, we will be meeting in the High school classroom for a time of prayer together.  Bring money for supper afterwards.

Look Ahead...
January 4-6 will be the dates for our Winter Retreat.  We will be going to Texoma.  Sign-up on the bulletin board!
Volunteers Needed…
We need help watching little ones while the young adult Christmas party is happening.  Please mark your calendars for Saturday, December 8th.  If you have any questions, you can talk to me!

KFC Korner… 
Here comes Santa Claus,
Here comes Santa Claus,

That’s right, it is time for Breakfast with Santa again.   Mark your calendars for Saturday, December 8th.  The festivities will begin at 9:00 am and will conclude at 11:00 am.  This is a come and go event and a light breakfast will be served. 

Keep watching the bulletin for more details.  If you have any questions, you can contact Holly Reagan at 214-673-9132.
2471 Christmas Party...
Attention 6-12th graders.!!  Mark your calendars now for Saturday, December 15th.  We will be having our progressive dinner and Christmas party.  Keep watching the bulletin for more details!!

Schedule Change…
Due to the Christmas parade this Saturday, we will be re-scheduling the Adopt-a-Highway clean-up.  Enjoy the parade!!

Monday, November 19, 2012

Weekly Update: 11/21/2012

2471 Upcoming Events:

Thursday, November 22nd - Community Thanksgiving Meal
If you or your family is going to be in town, and are able to come up and help, I want to encourage you to do so.  There is nothing like seeing the faces of those we serve here at the building or those we take meals to.  It is a great act of service for the entire family to participate in. 

Saturday, December 1st - Adopt-A-Highway Clean-up
We will meet at the building for our quarterly clean-up at the clover leaf of 287 and I-35.  Plan to be here at 9:00 am.  We should be finished by 12:00 pm.  All members are invited to come out and participate.

Saturday, December 1st - Youth Devo
We will be going out to the home of Tommy and Sharon Medford.  We will meet at the building at 5:30 p.m.  We will plan to be back at the building around 8:00 p.m.  Make plans now to attend!!

2471 Christmas Party...
Attention 6-12th graders.!!  Mark your calendars now for Saturday, December 15th.  We will be having our progressive dinner and Christmas party.  Keep watching the bulletin for more details!!

KFC Korner…

Here comes Santa Claus,
Here comes Santa Claus,

That’s right, it is time for Breakfast with Santa again.   Mark your calendars for Saturday, December 8th.  The festivities will begin at 9:00 am and will conclude at 11:00 am.  This is a come and go event and a light breakfast will be served. 

Keep watching the bulletin for more details.  If you have any questions, you can contact Holly Reagan at 214-673-9132.
Have a Happy Thanksgiving!!


Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Weekly Update: 11/14/2012

 2471 Upcoming Events:

Saturday, November 17th - Paint Ball
For more information, please see below. 

Sunday, November 18th - TPM
We will be meeting in the High School Classroom following evening services on this date for a time of prayer together.  Following that time, we will be going to Subway for supper.  Bring money for supper!

Thursday, November 22nd - Community Thanksgiving Meal
If you or your family is going to be in town, and are able to come up and help, I want to encourage you to do so.  There is nothing like seeing the faces of those we serve here at the building or those we take meals to.  It is a great act of service for the entire family to participate in.  There are things that all ages can help with.  See you next Thursday!

Paintball Sign-ups…
On Saturday, November 17th, we will be going to DFW adventure park, close to the Texas Motor Speedway, for a time of paint ball together.  Our assigned time to play is 9:00 am - 1:00 pm.  We need to plan to get there by 8:30 so they can give us the rules and regulations.  We will be meeting at the building at 7:00 am. We will eat lunch after we play (you will need money for lunch).  I plan to be back in Waxahachie by 4:00 pm. If you would like to go, please sign up on the Youth & Family board.  The cost is $23. By rule, you have to be 10 or older to be able to play. 

I am in need of chaperones.  If you are interested in going and playing with us, please sign up on the Youth & Family board as well.  Cost is $23.
KFC Korner…
There is an event in the works for late November or early December.  Please be on the look out in the bulletin for more details as they become available!!

Have A Great Week!!

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Weekly Update: 11/07/2012

2471 Upcoming Events:

Saturday, November 10th - Harvest Hunt
Invite your friends for an evening of food, fun and fellowship.  We will begin everything here at the building.  So you need to plan on being in the Childrens Bible Hour Classroom no later than 4:00 p.m.  We will get things started at that time.   We will plan to be back at the building for pick-up at 8:00 p.m.  Look forward to seeing everyone here!

Saturday, November 17th - Paint Ball
Paintball Sign-ups…
On Saturday, November 17th, we will be going to DFW adventure park, close to the Texas Motor Speedway, for a time of paint ball together.  Our assigned time to play is 9:00 am - 1:00 pm.  We need to plan to get there by 8:30 so they can give us the rules and regulations.  We will be meeting at the building at 7:00 am. We will eat lunch after we play (you will need money for lunch).  I plan to be back in Waxahachie by 4:00 pm. If you would like to go, please sign up on the Youth & Family board.  The cost is $23. By rule, you have to be 10 or older to be able to play. 
I am in need of chaperones.  If you are interested in going and playing with us, please sign up on the Youth & Family board as well.  Cost is $23.

Sunday, November 18th - TPM
We will be meeting in the High School Classroom following evening services on this date for a time of prayer together.  Following that time, we will be going to Subway for supper.  Bring money for supper!

Thursday, November 22nd - Community Thanksgiving Meal

KFC Korner…
There is an event in the works for late November or early December.  Please be on the look out in the bulletin for more details as they become available!!

Have A Great Week!!

Monday, October 29, 2012

Weekly Update: 10/31/2012

2471 Upcoming Events:

Saturday, November 3rd - Youth Devo
Mike & Cindy Poynor will be hosting our devotional for the month of November.  We will meet at the building at 5:30 p.m. We will plan to be back at the building for pick-up at 7:45.  Look forward to seeing everybody there!

Sunday, November 4th - Youth Activity
We will be headed north to Fort Worth for an outing with the Bridgewood youth group.  We will go to an assisted living center and sing for the residents there and then on to play whirly ball!  Following that time together, some representatives from OC will visit with us and will be taking care of supper.  We will worship there and be back home by 8:15.

Saturday, November 10th - Harvest Hunt
Invite your friends for an evening of food, fun and fellowship.  We will begin everything here at the building.  Watch your bulletin for more details!

Lets Reflect on John 13:21...
I can still remember my friend saying it in church one Sunday: "We think so badly of old Judas for betraying the Lord for 30 pieces of silver, but how many times do we betray him for nothing?" Ouch! What makes this so difficult for us to bear is Jesus' anguish knowing one of his own would betray him. Let's make every effort and call upon God's strength so that such betrayal can never be true of us! And if it ever is, let's make sure we run toward his grace with an honest desire to escape sin and come back to him!
Paintball Sign-ups…
We will going to DFW adventure park to take in an afternoon of paintball on Saturday,  November 17th.  If you would like to go, please sign up on the Youth & Family board.  The cost is $23. By rule, you have to be 10 or older to be able to play.  I will give you more details as we get closer to the date.  This is for adults as well.  If you want to play, please sign up!
KFC Korner…
There is an event in the works for late November or early December.  Please be on the look out in the bulletin for more details as they become available!!

Have A Great Week!!

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Weekly Update: 10/24/2012

 2471 Upcoming Events:

Saturday, October 27th - Trunk or Treat
Any High School or Junior High kids that will be available to help with the Trunk or Treat please let me know!!  There will be several activities that we need manned for this evening.  And yes, candy will be involved!

Saturday, November 3rd - Youth Devo
Mike & Cindy Poynor will be hosting our devotional in the month of November. 

Sunday, November 4th - Youth Activity
We will be headed north to Fort Worth for an outing with the Bridgewood youth group.  We will go to an assisted living center and sing for the residents there and then on to play whirly ball!  Following that time together, some representatives from OC will visit with us and will be taking care of supper.  We will worship there and be back home by 8:15.

Paintball Sign-ups…
We will going to DFW adventure park to take in an afternoon of paintball on Saturday,  November 17th.  If you would like to go, please sign up on the Youth & Family board.  The cost is $23. By rule, you have to be 10 or older to be able to play.  I will give you more details as we get closer to the date.  This is for adults as well.  If you want to play, please sign up!
2nd Annual Harvest Hunt…
Mark your calendars for Saturday, November 10th and invite your friends!  The “hunt” is already in the planning stages.  Hope to have everyone here!!
KFC Korner…
Saturday night is the night. The activities begin at 6:00 p.m. and will conclude when everyone is gone.  I want to encourage all of our families to come out and enjoy the time together.  Whether you are decorating your trunk, or just simply want to hand out candy, please plan to be here.  It will be a fun night for all.  If you have any questions, please see the Lackey’s.
Have A Great Week!!


Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Weekly Update: 10/17/2012

2471 Upcoming Events:

Sunday, October 21st - Teen Prayer Meeting
We will be meeting in the High School classroom following services for a time of prayer together.  Following that time, we will be going to Burger King for supper.  You will need money for your meal.

Saturday, October 27th - Trunk or Treat
Any High School or Junior High kids that will be available to help with the Trunk or Treat please let me know!!  There will be several activities that we need manned for this evening.  And yes, candy will be involved!

Saturday, November 3rd - Youth Devo
Mike & Cindy Poynor will be hosting our devotional in the month of November. 

Sunday, November 4th - Youth Activity
We will be getting together with the Bridgewood Youth.  More details later.

Paintball Sign-ups…
We will going to DFW adventure park to take in an afternoon of paintball on Saturday,  November 17th.  If you would like to go, please sign up on the Youth & Family board.  The cost is $23.  The cost includes full use of playing fields, face mask and goggles, unlimited air, semi-automatic gun, and our 4 hour playing session.  You will need to bring money for paint.  We will also stop on the way home to pick up something to eat.  By rule, you have to be 10 or older to be able to play.  I will give you more details as we get closer to the date.  This is for adults as well.  If you want to play, please sign up!
KFC Korner…
Mark your calendars now for the Trunk or Treat here at the building.  It is set for October 27th.  I want to encourage all of our families to come out and enjoy the time together.  Whether you are decorating your trunk, or just simply want to hand out candy, please plan to be here.  It will be a fun night for all.  If you have any questions, please see Donald or Debbe Lackey.


Friday, October 12, 2012

Weekly Update: 10/10/2012

2471 Upcoming Events:

Saturday, October 13th - Youth Devo
Larry and Rebecca Sullivan will be hosting the youth devotional this month.  We will be meeting at the building at 4:45 p.m.  We will return to the building for pick-up at 7:45 p.m.  If the weather is rainy, we will be moving the devotional to the fellowship room.  The devo begins at 5:30.  If you can make it, we would love to have you!
Sunday, October 21st - Teen Prayer Meeting
We will be meeting in the High School classroom following services for a time of prayer together.  Following that time, we will be going to Burger King for supper.  You will need money for your meal.

Help needed…
Any High School or Junior High kids that will be available to help with the Trunk or Treat please let me know!!  There will be several activities that we need manned for this evening.  And yes, candy will be involved!
Paintball Sign-ups…
Due to scheduling conflicts with many of our young people, the date for paintball has been changed.  We will going to DFW adventure park on Saturday,  November 17th.  If you would like to go, please sign up on the Youth & Family board.  The cost is $23.  The cost includes full use of playing fields, face mask and goggles, unlimited air, semi-automatic gun, and our 4 hour playing session.  You will need to bring money for paint.  We will also stop on the way home to pick up something to eat.  By rule, you have to be 10 or older to be able to play.  I will give you more details as we get closer to the date.
KFC Korner…
Mark your calendars now for the Trunk or Treat here at the building.  It is set for October 27th.  I want to encourage all of our families to come out and enjoy the time together.  Whether you are decorating your trunk, or just simply want to hand out candy, please plan to be here.  It will be a fun night for all.  If you have any questions, please see Donald or Debbe Lackey.

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Weekly Update: 10/03/2012

2471 Upcoming Events:

Saturday, October 13th - Youth Devo
Larry and Rebecca Sullivan will be hosting the youth devotional this month.  We will be meeting a the building at 4:45 p.m.  We will return to the building for pick-up at 7:45 p.m.  If you can make it, we would love to have you!

Sunday, October 21st - Teen Prayer Meeting
We will be meeting in the High School classroom following services for a time of prayer together.  Following that time, we will be going to Burger King for supper.  You will need money for your meal.

Help needed…
Any High School or Junior High kids that will be available to help with the Trunk or Treat please let me know!!  There will be several activities that we need manned for this evening.  And yes, candy will be involved!

Paintball Sign-ups…
Due to scheduling conflicts with many of our young people, the date for paintball has been changed.  We will going to DFW adventure park on Saturday,  November 17th.  If you would like to go, please sign up on the Youth & Family board.  The cost is $23.  The cost includes full use of playing fields, face mask and goggles, unlimited air, semi-automatic gun, and our 4 hour playing session.  You will need to bring money for paint.  We will also stop on the way home to pick up something to eat.  By rule, you have to be 10 or older to be able to play.  I will give you more details as we get closer to the date.

KFC Korner…
Mark your calendars now for the Trunk or Treat here at the building.  It is set for October 27th.  I want to encourage all of our families to come out and enjoy the time together.  Whether you are decorating your trunk, or just simply want to hand out candy, please plan to be here.  It will be a fun night for all.  If you have any questions, please see Donald or Debbe Lackey.
Have A Great Week!!

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Weekly Update: 09/26/2012

2471 Upcoming Events:

Friday, September 28th - 5th Quarter
Attention all 6th - 12th graders!!!  Friday night, following the Waxahachie football game against Mansfield Summit there will be a 5th Quarter at the home of Ryder & Renee Appleton!  There house will be open till midnight!  There will be snacks provided.  You will need to provide your own transportation to and from their house.  Look forward to seeing everyone there!!

Youth Devotional
Larry and Rebecca Sullivan will be hosting the youth devotional in the month of October.  There is a conflict for the previous date given.  I will fill you in with more information as soon as I get it.
Paintball Sign-ups…
If you enjoy paintball, plan to come out and join us!  We will going to DFW adventure park on Saturday, October 20th.  If you would like to go, please sign up on the Youth & Family board.  The cost is $23.  The cost includes full use of playing fields, face mask and goggles, unlimited air, semi-automatic gun, and our 4 hour playing session.  You will need to bring money for paint.  We will also stop on the way home to pick up something to eat.  By rule, you have to be 10 or older to be able to play.  I will give you more details as we get closer to the date.

LTC Sign-ups…
There are sign-up sheets out on the Youth & Family bulletin board.  You will be able to sign up through the month of September.  This will help our coaches in their preparation for LTC in March 2013.  The theme is Matthew. Be thinking about what you would like to participate in for LTC.  We had a great time last year and I look forward to another successful time this year!
KFC Korner…
Mark your calendars now for the Trunk or Treat here at the building.  It is set for October 27th.  If you have any questions, please see Donald or Debbe Lackey.

Have A Great Week!!